I am so thrilled you are here and I am looking forward to learning more about who you are and what your goals are.
She Glows Creative Co. has been founded on the grounds of over a decade in marketing, strategy and business development and compiles what feels like a lifetime of learning in business, leadership, failures, scuffed knees and resilience building in the pursuit of building a passionate and happy life and business.
My mission is to help soulful, creative and ambitious small business owners show up and be seen online, craft their message and package their genius into profitable online businesses and brands — all while building a life they love.
If you’re an empathic and compassionate being that feels an abundant and expansive calling that resonates much deeper than just a ‘job’ or a ‘career’, then it’s time to harness and celebrate your unique gifts and talents.
I specialise in three key areas:
- Business design (Web design, digital products, digital development)
- Strategy (Marketing, corporate communications, business strategy)
- Communications (Messaging, branding, business positioning)
Through this, I help entrepreneurial women get clear on their message and soulful purpose, and build strong, aligned, purposeful digital businesses and brands.
I can’t wait to share more with you over the coming time.
Shoot me a message at hello@sheglowscreative.com to see how we can work together.